EOS® Case Study

EOS® Permeable Reactive Barriers Treat Trichloroethene Plume



A large manufacturer in Indiana needed to remediate a long plume of TCE-contaminated groundwater, threatening a river almost 2 miles down-gradient of the source.


Cut off TCE migration and reduce plume size in an economical, efficient and sustainable manner.


Installation of 6 permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) along the plume transect using EOS® emulsified oil substrates.


To date, the PRBs have effectively cut off the downgradient migration of TCE and continue to reduce overall plume size.  EOS® substrate injection resulted in: 
•  Rapid establishment of reducing conditions within each PRB
•  Rapid transformation of TCE
•  Formation of TCE daughter products and ethene down-gradient of PRBs
•  A growing community of dechlorinating bacteria